How Can I Explain the Gap in My Resume?

It is common knowledge that an employment gap in your resume may send up red flags with future employers.  However, people take leave of absence from the workforce for perfectly good reasons. If the gap must be included on your resume, the key to making it a non-issue is handling it correctly during an interview. There’s no need to throw in the towel on landing a great contract opportunity just because there is a gap in your employment history. Let’s take a look at how you can explain an employment gap.

Be Up Front About Why You Took Time Off

Honesty is the best policy on this one. Reasons for taking time off:

  • Raised your kids
  • Took care of an ill or elderly loved one
  • Went back to school
  • You were laid off and had difficulty finding a new job

Whatever the reason is, explain it clearly in your interview. If you were laid off, explain why it was necessary and unavoidable even though you were a valuable part of the team.

Emphasize Why Your Skill Set Suits You for This Job

Maybe you’ve taken additional classes and expanded your skill set. This is the time to emphasize how these additional classes and skill sets will make you a better employee and how it will benefit their company. Be sure to mention any volunteer work that is relative to the position.

Show Enthusiasm for Returning to the Workforce

Employers love employees who want to work and are dedicated to doing the best job possible. Make sure you show your excitement for returning to work. Express initiative and motivation for the potential job at hand.

Have References Handy

If possible, have references from previous supervisors handy. This will confirm not only your skill set, but prove you are the type of employee you claim to be. More likely than not, having professional references will make the issue of the gap on your resume a non-issue very quickly.

Let One of the Leading Staffing Firms in Texas Help You

With over 30 years of experience, Resource Staffing is a premier staffing firm. Now that you are ready to get back into the workforce, discuss your career goals with our experienced staffing specialists. They will help you find positions that fit your skill set, fine-tune your resume and prepare you for interviews. No need to go it alone, get started with a staffing firm that can help you land a job with a Fortune 500 Company!

Do You Dread Going Into Work Monday?

A little bit of dread at the end of the weekend is normal, but what happens when it becomes excessive and Monday blues ruin your entire weekend? How do you know when it has become a big problem and a sign you need a change in your job?

Warning Signs

A little bit of dread, and maybe even some jitters are normal on a Sunday evening. Let’s face it, everyone would much rather have a five-day weekend and a two-day work week than the other way around. Unfortunately, that’s not likely to happen anytime soon. Here are warning signs that dreading work on Monday is a much larger problem.

  • You experience excessive anxiety, depression, and panic attacks on a regular basis.
  • The thought of having to go back to work on Monday routinely ruins your entire weekend.
  • You take medication, such as sleeping pills, to help you cope with the dread of beginning another workweek.
  • Eating unhealthy foods and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol in order to escape the dread.

None of these behaviors are normal and are indicative of needing to change jobs before you experience serious health problems.

Determine Why You Are Miserable at Your Current Job

You first need to determine what it is about your current job that makes you dread going to work on Monday. Maybe it’s the:

  • Work schedule
  • Management style
  • Atmosphere
  • Workload
  • Job duties

Once you have figured out the source, or sources, of dread, you can determine what you need from your next job. Understanding your current issues will prevent you from jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

What Are Your Options?

The bottom line is you have two options. You can either choose to stay in your current job or find a new one. If you choose to stay, talk with your supervisor and explain the areas in which you are dissatisfied. The two of you may be able to come up with a solution that works for both of you, such as moving to a different department.

If your supervisor is unwilling to bend or you are not satisfied with the solution, it may be time to find a new position that is more fulfilling.

Partner With a Staffing Agency

When searching for a new job, the last thing you want is to end up in a job that makes you equally or more miserable than the one you are leaving. When going it alone it can be hard to determine if a position meets your goals. Partnering with a staffing firm means you work with an experienced specialist who will ensure you are placed with a company that aligns with what you are looking for in your next job.

Tips for Success Series: Stay Educated

Staying educated in your industry is important for the advancement of your career, building your credibility, and showing clients the future and value of your industry. How do you go about staying up to date on the latest and greatest in your industry? Let’s take a look!

Read! Read! Read!

One of the best ways to stay up to date on your industry is to read. Opportunities include:

  • Online articles or published studies
  • Subscriptions to industry magazines
  • Books

On-line sources might even be advantageous for keeping up with the latest developments depending on the industry you work in. The type of sources you choose to subscribe to will be heavily determined by the methods in which your field releases updates.

Attend Industry Functions

This is your chance to talk to others who are industry leaders or work in the field in a different capacity than you do. Just as you may have information and insights they’ve yet to hear about, they will in turn be able to provide information that you’ve yet to hear.

Participate in Workshops

Workshops are designed to teach the latest and greatest protocols and methods. Experts demonstrate how a technology and/or method works, normally allowing the attendees to try it for themselves, and are available to answer any questions you might have.

Spend Time in a Different Department

Talk with your boss about your ambitions for staying current in the industry in order to benefit the company. Ask if you can spend time in a different department in order to increase your skill set and gain a better understanding of the industry as a whole. Employers appreciate staff that are passionate about their career field.

Listen to Podcasts

Podcasts are becoming more and more popular. They tend to be informative and entertaining while keeping their listeners up to date on the latest within the industry. The second great thing about podcasts is that you can listen to them almost anywhere including on the way to and from work.

Extra Tip!

If you’re looking for your next career move, let Resource Staffing be your staffing partner. As one of the leading staffing firms in Texas, we are experts at matching candidates with the perfect company. Contact us today and speak with one of our specialists about your career goals and what you are looking for in your next job!

Prepare for Your Next Contract Job Interview With These Questions

Interviews can seem intimidating at first. What questions are going to be asked, and how do I answer these questions effectivelyIt is important to understand the nature of a temp job involves flexibility and the ability to adapt quickly to new environmentsThis is your guide to preparing for your next job interview. 

Here are common interview questions asked during temp job interviews and how you should approach them.  

What Length oTime Are You Available tWork This Position? 

This can be a tricky question because contract positions often have the potential to turn into long-term positions. It is a fine line because you do not want to seem uninterested in a full-time position, but at the same time need to convey you are content with a contract position. Explain to the interviewer you are dedicated to working the job as long as needed, you are open to a long-term position should it become available.  

Why Are You a Good Fit for This Position? 

When interviewing for long-term position, you typically discuss your interest in the company and how your values and goals align with theirs. However, in an interview for a contract position the focus should be on the specific job duties. Employers need talent that is able to jump in and fill the void with minimal training. Make sure you have read the duties listed in the job description and directly address each one in your answer.  

Why Are You Interested in a Contract Position?  

This question allows you to explain your future career goals. Maybe you want to gain additional skills in a certain skill set or industryMake sure your answer doesn’t shut the door on any long-term positions with the company you are interviewing with 

How Do You Handle New Environments? 

The bottom line is contract positions require candidates to be able to assimilate to new environments quickly. Explain you enjoy working with new people and are quick to adapt to how different companies operate. You quickly and efficiently learn the best way to perform your job duties 

When Are You Able to Start? 

Employers looking to fill contract jobs want candidates who can start immediately. Make sure you emphasize your immediate availability and even flexible work schedule. You will be more appealing as a candidate if you are willing to work outside of the normal 9 to 5.   

Let One of the Leading Staffing Firms in Texas Help Prepare You for Your Next Interview 

Resource Staffing understands what employers are looking for when filling contract positions. When you partner with our staffing firm, our specialists will help you from start to finish, including prepping for interviews. Contact us today and let one of our experienced team members help you find your next job.  

Tips for Success Series: Learn How to Network

There’s no doubt you’ve heard the popular saying, “It’s who you know.” While qualifications play the largest part in your job hunt, networking is extremely important as well. The more professionals you know in your desired career field:

  • The more job opportunities you will be aware of
  • The more references you will have
  • The more employers you will be able to get your resume in front of

Let’s look at how to network effectively.

Networking is About Building Relationships

First and foremost, it is important to understand that networking is about building relationships. These are two-way relationships that should be seen as long-term professional contacts.

Understand What You Want

Before you begin networking for a job, you need to understand exactly what it is you are looking for.  Consider the following:

  • What position are you ultimately aiming for?
  • How much flexibility do you need in a work schedule?
  • What values are important to you in a company?

Make a List of the People in Your Network

Oftentimes, you know more people than you realize that can help you network to find a job. Take the time to make a list of the people you already know. It is likely the contacts you already know will be able to put you in touch with the people you need.

Speak up at Professional Functions

You can be the most qualified person in the room, but if you don’t say a word, potential employers won’t know that. Many people tend to be reserved by nature, and that’s OK, but you must learn how to start a conversation with industry leaders and company CEOs. You don’t have to give a sales pitch; casual conversation sprinkled with your credentials will do the trick.

Establish Your Knowledge Base

It is important to establish your knowledge of the industry early on in a conversation. Saying fewer words but being correct in what you do say is much better than spouting off a ton of information that is inaccurate. If an employer doesn’t think you understand the industry, there’s not much of a chance for employment.

Ask for Contact Information

It’s important to follow up after you’ve initially met a potential employer. At the end of the conversation, ask for their card or how you can get in touch with them at a later date. In some cases, you may be able to set up a second meeting if there is a current job opening.

Build Your Network With the Leading Staffing Firm in Texas

RESOURCE Staffing has a large database of great clients in need of top talent. When you partner with our top-notch staffing firm, we not only help you apply for jobs, prepare for interviews and fine-tune your resume, you can also expect help building your professional network. Our experienced specialists will help you from start to finish in landing your dream job.

Tips for Success Series: Stay Positive

Whether you are unemployed and on the job hunt or working while looking for a different career path, searching for the perfect job can be frustrating. You send out countless resumes, follow-up emails and go in for interviews only to come up empty-handed. Do not be disheartened. All good things take time! Let’s take a look at tips to stay positive. You’ll not only feel better about yourself but land a job in no time.

Keep Yourself on a Consistent Schedule

It can be easy to go to bed late, sleep in late and lounge in your pajamas for half a day. Have a set time you wake in the morning, take lunch, and go to bed at night. After all, your job at the moment is to find a job. Treat job hunting like a 9 to 5.

Take Care of Yourself Both Physically and Emotionally

It can be easy to let yourself go during this time. Make sure you are following your normal exercise regimen. If you don’t have one, now is a good time to start one. It will help you feel better both physically and mentally while adding structure to your day.

Engage in Charity Work

While on the job search, filling your days with some type of volunteer or charity work serves two purposes. The first is you will feel good about giving back to others and knowing your days are spent engaging in a productive activity.

The second is employers like to see candidates who like to have a purpose and do not waste their time.

Fine-Tune Your Application Materials

Job searches can be frustrating, and it can feel like you are sending out hundreds of applications without getting anything in return. It is never a bad idea to make sure all your application materials are up to date. Materials to update include:

  • Cover letter
  • Resume
  • Portfolio
  • LinkedIn profile

Counteract Negative Responses

Let’s say you receive an email thanking you for your interest but the company will not be moving forward with your application at this time. Balance this negative with a positive. Apply to another job or follow up on one of interest to you. This will not only put you that much closer to finding a job but will make you focus on the positive rather than the negative.

Utilize a Support System

Having the right team by your side when on the job hunt makes all the difference. RESOURCE Staffing has years of experience matching employees with the perfect employers. Their dedicated staffing specialists work with you to learn your goals, find jobs of interest, help you prepare the perfect resume and even give advice on your interviews. Visit RESOURCE Staffing today and start your journey to finding your perfect job.

Tips for Success Series: Be Open to New Opportunities

It is no secret that most people who are on the job hunt are looking for careers that are long term, in their area of expertise and offer realistic opportunities for advancement. However, like life, your career can be a series of stepping-stones. It will serve you well to be open-minded to job opportunities that may not exactly fit the bill you are looking for but may lead you where you want to go. Let’s take a look at new opportunities you should keep your eyes peeled for.  

Take the Contract Position 

The term contract employment has a stigma for instability. After all, you are looking for a long-term position you can advance in and build a career. However, contract employment has changed significantly over the years. Little-known facts about contract employment include: 

  • Contract positions are often at least three months in duration. Sometimes they can even last six months to one year.  
  • Oftentimes, contract positions lead to full-time positions. 
  • Contract positions are a great way for employers to vet potential candidates before committing to full-time decisions.  

Part-Time Employment Has Its Perks 

As with contract employment, part-time employment can be seen as less than ideal, due to the fact that by definition it does not offer long-term stability. Part-time employment can be a good stepping-stone into a full-time position, however.  

  • Part-time employment is a great way to network and meet new people in the industry.  
  • You can figure out if you fit in with the company’s culture and values. 
  • Affords you the time to keep looking for your dream career. 

Embrace a New Career Field 

Be open to the idea of taking opportunities that may be outside of your comfort zone. Do not be so quick to turn down a job offer outside of your career field. Taking a position outside of your career field can be helpful because: 

  • You may find a new passion or path to your dream career.  
  • You will develop a new skill set. 
  • Your professional network will be broadened. 
  • Your resume will be more well-rounded.  
  • Learning new things can be fun and exciting! 

Let the Leading Staffing Firm in Texas Broaden Your Professional Skill Set 

Not sure what direction you should go? That’s OK! RESOURCE Staffing has access to a large database of employers looking to hire qualified talent like yourself. Discuss your career interests and goals with one of our experienced staffing specialists. Our specialist can then explain all your options and help you find a job that is the perfect fit for your current situation. Contact us today and see for yourself how we can offer you new and exciting opportunities! 

How Can RESOURCE Staffing Help Me Find a Job? 

There are countless avenues employers use to post job openings. This leaves you with the cumbersome task of having to navigate through what can seem like hundreds of different platforms searching for the perfect job. With so many options, how do you get your resume in front of the right employers and find your next job as quickly and efficiently as possible? RESOURCE Staffing is the leading staffing firm in Texas and has years of experience helping talent just like you find the perfect job. How can RESOURCE Staffing help you?  

Receive Help Preparing for Interviews 

Our staffing professionals understand what employers are looking for in candidates and how to make a good first impression when you go in for your interview. Receive tips on how to: 

  • Greet the hiring manager  
  • Dress appropriately for the company atmosphere 
  • Answer and ask questions professionally 

Receive Constructive Feedback 

Our dedicated team is more than happy to give you constructive criticism on ways you can improve your resume, interview presentation, and helpful tips to best showcase your skills to potential employers.  

For instance, our professionals can identify the gaps in your resume and how to close these existing gaps so your resume is more appealing to potential employers. They can also help ensure your resume highlights the skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for. 

Earn Great Benefits 

There is often a stigma that staffing agencies do not offer benefits. This is not the case! At RESOURCE Staffing, take advantage of great benefits including: 

  • Weekly paychecks, either direct deposited into your account or loaded on a pay card  
  • Health insurance 
  • Paid holidays 
  • Referral bonus 

Free to Job Seekers 

The last thing you want to do is to spend money looking for a job to make money. Oftentimes, periods of unemployment come with strict financial budgets. RESOURCE Staffing is free to job seekers because it is the employers who pay to find exceptional talent through the staffing firm, not the job seekers themselves 

Partner With the Premier Staffing Firm in Texas 

RESOURCE Staffing understands the frustrations that come along with searching for your next job. This is why our professional firm offers help every step of the way as well as benefits at no cost to you. Contact us today to team up with our professionals and make your next job hunt hassle-free 

What Should I Wear to My Job Interview?

First impressions are everything! Before you even speak your first words at your interview, you have already made your first impression by the way you are dressed. YES! It happens that quick!  What should you wear to your job interview to make sure your first impression hits the mark?

Research the Dress Code of the Company

Do your homework prior to your job interview. Learn about the company’s culture. Find out about the company’s dress code policy. If you look the part of someone who belongs in the company, you will have an easier time selling yourself during the interview.

Avoid Overdressing for Your Interview

A sophisticated, professional appearance is important for your interview. However, don’t overdo it. A good rule of thumb is to dress one level above how employees dress on a day-to-day basis. Overdressing will make you stand out, and not in a good way. It also gives the impression you lack a certain understanding of the company.

Refrain From Using Perfumes and Cologne

It is best to leave perfumes and colognes untouched. You never know if the hiring manager has a sensitivity or allergy to certain scents. There could be a chance the person conducting your interview finds your perfume or cologne unattractive. This can, unfortunately, give a negative impression and may cost you a job offer.

Pay Attention to Minute Grooming and Hygiene Details

Make sure your clothes are freshly laundered and ironed. Do not show up to your interview in a musty, wrinkled outfit. Shower and style your hair. Men should trim any facial hair. It is important to look neat and clean. An employer will assume a candidate who doesn’t put effort into their physical appearance will not put effort into their job either.

Try on the Outfit Before Your Interview

The way clothing looks on the shelf, is not always how it fits once you get home. Do a test run of your outfit a few days before your interview. Make sure it fits as it should and the different pieces match. If an item doesn’t look quite right, you will have time to make the necessary adjustments.

Professional Staffing Firm Dedicated to Helping You From Start to Finish

Interviews can seem intimidating at first. You not only want to say the right things, but dress in a way that makes a statement. RESOURCE Staffing is a premier staffing firm in Texas with over 30 years of experience matching the right employees with the right companies. Our dedicated specialists go above and beyond to make sure you are properly prepared for your interview. Contact us today to speak with one of our staffing experts.



Tips for Success Series: Creating an Elevator Pitch

Interviews can seem intimidating at first. How do you convey to a stranger why you are perfect for the position? There’s no need to fear! With a little preparation, you can rest assured you will walk into your next interview with the tools needed to be successful. One necessary tool is an elevator pitch. This guide explains the purpose of an elevator pitch and the elements every pitch should contain.

What is an Elevator Pitch?

An elevator pitch is a 20-30 second snapshot of your skills, accomplishments and previous work experience. Elevator pitches have a variety of uses such as promoting a company, product or an idea. However, they are also very useful and handy to have on hand when preparing for a job interview.

Why is an Elevator Pitch Useful During an Interview?

First impressions are everything in a job interview. Many employers know in the first minute or two whether they intend to hire a candidate. A perfectly crafted elevator pitch that answers who you are, what you have to offer the company, and what makes you stand apart from other candidates will go a long way in helping you to receive a job offer.

The Steps to Creating an Effective Elevator Pitch

Are you ready to create your own elevator pitch but not sure where to start? Follow these five steps to create an elevator pitch that is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Define Your Objective

Identify the goal of your elevator pitch. What position are you interviewing for? What do you want the company to know about your qualifications right from the start?

Explain What You Bring to the Table

Concisely describe what you bring to the table and why you are an asset to the company. Exercise caution to ensure you appropriately express your qualifications without coming across as arrogant.

Convey What Makes You Unique

Mention what makes you unique to stand out from other candidates who have applied for the same position.

End the Pitch by Engaging the Hiring Manager

Engage with the hiring manager at the end of your elevator pitch. For example, “I would like to know more about x, y and z at your company.” This keeps the interview flowing smoothly and naturally.

Practice Makes Perfect

The more you practice your elevator the pitch, the more comfortable you will be when it comes time to deliver it and the more natural it will sound. Saying it out loud will also help you fine-tune the pitch, so it sounds perfect and falls within the recommended time frame.

We Are A Premier Staffing Firm Dedicated to Helping You Have Successful Interviews

As one of the leading staffing agency in Texas, Resource Staffing will help match your goals, skills and qualifications and help you prepare for the interview process. Contact us today to get started on the path to finding your dream job!