Here’s How to Avoid Age Discrimination in the Interview Process

Age is discrimination happens when a candidate is not hired based on their age or an assumption about their skills based on their age without any proof of actual abilities. This can occur to both older and younger candidates and, in most cases, is unintentional. Are you worried about ensuring you eliminate age discrimination when hiring new candidates?

Here’s How You Can Avoid Age Discrimination During the Interview Process

It Begins with Your Application Process

Be careful that your job description and application process does not exclude certain age groups. For example, avoid:

  • Requiring an excessive amount of experience (i.e., 7+ years)
  • Asking the year candidates graduated high school or college (do you need to know this?)
  • Requiring all of a candidate’s work history (ask for only relevant work history. This saves you time when sifting through the job description)

Rank Qualities You Need in a Successful Candidate Before You Begin Interviewing

Specify exactly what you need most in your next team member before you begin interviewing candidates. This will help put you in the right mindset and allow you to focus on the skills that are most important and avoid basing your decision on factors that do not matter such as age, race, and gender.

Avoid Asking Questions That Reveal a Candidate’s Age

While you might be able to tell by appearance the general age of a candidate, you should steer clear of asking questions that will date your candidates. Questions to avoid during an interview include:

  • Directly asking a candidate’s age
  • When candidates graduated from college
  • When candidates graduated high school

Steer Clear of Personal Topics

Discussing topics such as children or grandchildren can easily help you determine the age of a candidate, even if that is not your intention. Keep it professional by steering clear of personal topics. Once a candidate is hired, of course, you can take the time to get to know them better, but during the interview process, only questions directly related to the job should be addressed.

Collaborate with Co-workers

Allowing at least one other person in on the hiring process helps to prevent age-related hiring biases. With multiple opinions having a say in the decision, it is much harder to let age play a factor and easier to come to a well-balanced decision.

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Resource Staffing, has over 30 years of experience filling your personnel needs. We take the hassle out of hiring so that you can focus on running your business. Let us know what you need in your next team member and let us handle the rest. Request an employee today!

Don’t Hire the Wrong Person!

The hiring process takes a great deal of time and resources. You must create a job description, post the opening, sift through countless resumes, and conduct interviews. Hiring the wrong person is the last thing you want to happen. Not only will you have to start the whole process over again, but it might take you some time before you can get rid of the wrong hire. Wrong hires can look phenomenal on paper and seem like the perfect fit during an interview. How do you differentiate between an excellent hire and a candidate who comes across well but has undesirable traits for your company?

Actions Speak Louder than Words

You should expect every candidate to come into an interview and talk about how qualified they are for the position. However, beware of candidates who embellish their credentials. You don’t want to hire someone on the basis that they can perform certain skills, only to find out they do not have the skills. Ask about specific accomplishments or jobs they’ve completed in the past that prove they do have the skills needed.

Look Beyond Hard Skills

Hard Skills are important, but so are soft skills. Ask questions in the interview that allow you to see what kind of employee the candidate will be. Find out if the candidate:

  • Works well with a team
  • Respects authority
  • Has the ability to be a leader when necessary
  • Has a desire to learn
  • Possesses a positive attitude

A candidate can have all of the hard skills required, but a lack of the right soft skills often means he or she is not the right fit for the position. Avoid asking the most common questions such as “Do you have a good work ethic?” that will only lead to canned answers.

Check References

Follow up an interview by checking references. This may seem like a hassle, but references can tell you a lot about a candidate so long as you ask the right questions. Suggestions include:

  • Asking how the candidate problem solves
  • How do they contribute to the work culture?
  • Ask employers if they would hire the candidate again
  • Specifically, ask the best and worst traits of the candidate

It may take a little bit of digging to get a reference to open up about the candidate you are calling about. However, it is well worth the effort and can help you confirm whether or not he or she is right for the position.

Let One of the Leading Staffing Firms in Texas Take the Hassle out of Hiring

It takes a great deal of time and resources to find the perfect candidate. Staffing firms take the hassle out of hiring by narrowing down applicants and thoroughly vetting candidates before sending them to you for an interview. Let Resource Staffing find the perfect candidate for your personnel needs!

4 People You’re Competing with in Job Interviews

Congratulations! You’ve made it over the first hurdle and are invited to come in for an interview with the hiring manager of your dream job! This is extremely exciting…that is until panic sets in. What kind of candidates will you be up against? How do you best prepare?

Let’s talk about the four types of candidates you will be competing with and how to surpass!

The Extreme Studier

This candidate has spent hours researching the company, job description, and preparing answers to every possible question under the sun. However, there is a couple of weaknesses with this type of candidate:

  • He or she may come across as robotic without personable skills
  • Will not be able to answer any questions for which answers were not previously prepared

You can compete against this type of candidate only by understanding your own skillset as it relates to the job instead of memorizing answers. By doing this, you will be able to answer questions more easily and sincerely. Think of past employment examples that demonstrate your qualifications.

Flying by the Seat of Their Pants Candidate

This type of candidate tends to be incredibly charming and is accustomed to being able to smooth talk anyone, including employers. This person typically doesn’t do any homework whatsoever and tends to fabricate answers. The key to beating this type of candidate is to do your homework. You don’t have to spend hours upon hours studying, but you should understand the company, its values, and the skill set the particular position you are interviewing for demands.

The Elite Candidate

This type of candidate attended elite schools and has worked for top-rated employers. He or she was born and bred for this job, and it shows on their resume. They have prestigious references and seem unbeatable! Don’t give up just yet! Just because a candidate looks great on paper, doesn’t mean that their personality will be a fit for the company. Show a strong work ethic and willingness to work your way to the top.

The Know-It-All Candidate

This is the candidate who knows the answer to absolutely everything or, so he or she thinks. Here’s the thing, employers aren’t looking for someone who knows it all. They are looking for a candidate who is willing to learn how their company conducts business. Employers would rather have candidates who are willing to learn than know-it-all candidates who have bad habits that will need to be revised.

Resource Staffing is Ready to Assist with your Resume Preparation

When it comes to helping candidates find jobs, Resource Staffing is one of the leading staffing firms in Texas. Our specialists are dedicated to helping you from start to finish. This includes helping you prepare for your big interview! Contact us today and walk into your next interview with confidence!

How Can I Explain the Gap in My Resume?

It is common knowledge that an employment gap in your resume may send up red flags with future employers.  However, people take leave of absence from the workforce for perfectly good reasons. If the gap must be included on your resume, the key to making it a non-issue is handling it correctly during an interview. There’s no need to throw in the towel on landing a great contract opportunity just because there is a gap in your employment history. Let’s take a look at how you can explain an employment gap.

Be Up Front About Why You Took Time Off

Honesty is the best policy on this one. Reasons for taking time off:

  • Raised your kids
  • Took care of an ill or elderly loved one
  • Went back to school
  • You were laid off and had difficulty finding a new job

Whatever the reason is, explain it clearly in your interview. If you were laid off, explain why it was necessary and unavoidable even though you were a valuable part of the team.

Emphasize Why Your Skill Set Suits You for This Job

Maybe you’ve taken additional classes and expanded your skill set. This is the time to emphasize how these additional classes and skill sets will make you a better employee and how it will benefit their company. Be sure to mention any volunteer work that is relative to the position.

Show Enthusiasm for Returning to the Workforce

Employers love employees who want to work and are dedicated to doing the best job possible. Make sure you show your excitement for returning to work. Express initiative and motivation for the potential job at hand.

Have References Handy

If possible, have references from previous supervisors handy. This will confirm not only your skill set, but prove you are the type of employee you claim to be. More likely than not, having professional references will make the issue of the gap on your resume a non-issue very quickly.

Let One of the Leading Staffing Firms in Texas Help You

With over 30 years of experience, Resource Staffing is a premier staffing firm. Now that you are ready to get back into the workforce, discuss your career goals with our experienced staffing specialists. They will help you find positions that fit your skill set, fine-tune your resume and prepare you for interviews. No need to go it alone, get started with a staffing firm that can help you land a job with a Fortune 500 Company!

Prepare for Your Next Contract Job Interview With These Questions

Interviews can seem intimidating at first. What questions are going to be asked, and how do I answer these questions effectivelyIt is important to understand the nature of a temp job involves flexibility and the ability to adapt quickly to new environmentsThis is your guide to preparing for your next job interview. 

Here are common interview questions asked during temp job interviews and how you should approach them.  

What Length oTime Are You Available tWork This Position? 

This can be a tricky question because contract positions often have the potential to turn into long-term positions. It is a fine line because you do not want to seem uninterested in a full-time position, but at the same time need to convey you are content with a contract position. Explain to the interviewer you are dedicated to working the job as long as needed, you are open to a long-term position should it become available.  

Why Are You a Good Fit for This Position? 

When interviewing for long-term position, you typically discuss your interest in the company and how your values and goals align with theirs. However, in an interview for a contract position the focus should be on the specific job duties. Employers need talent that is able to jump in and fill the void with minimal training. Make sure you have read the duties listed in the job description and directly address each one in your answer.  

Why Are You Interested in a Contract Position?  

This question allows you to explain your future career goals. Maybe you want to gain additional skills in a certain skill set or industryMake sure your answer doesn’t shut the door on any long-term positions with the company you are interviewing with 

How Do You Handle New Environments? 

The bottom line is contract positions require candidates to be able to assimilate to new environments quickly. Explain you enjoy working with new people and are quick to adapt to how different companies operate. You quickly and efficiently learn the best way to perform your job duties 

When Are You Able to Start? 

Employers looking to fill contract jobs want candidates who can start immediately. Make sure you emphasize your immediate availability and even flexible work schedule. You will be more appealing as a candidate if you are willing to work outside of the normal 9 to 5.   

Let One of the Leading Staffing Firms in Texas Help Prepare You for Your Next Interview 

Resource Staffing understands what employers are looking for when filling contract positions. When you partner with our staffing firm, our specialists will help you from start to finish, including prepping for interviews. Contact us today and let one of our experienced team members help you find your next job.  

Tips for Success Series: Creating an Elevator Pitch

Interviews can seem intimidating at first. How do you convey to a stranger why you are perfect for the position? There’s no need to fear! With a little preparation, you can rest assured you will walk into your next interview with the tools needed to be successful. One necessary tool is an elevator pitch. This guide explains the purpose of an elevator pitch and the elements every pitch should contain.

What is an Elevator Pitch?

An elevator pitch is a 20-30 second snapshot of your skills, accomplishments and previous work experience. Elevator pitches have a variety of uses such as promoting a company, product or an idea. However, they are also very useful and handy to have on hand when preparing for a job interview.

Why is an Elevator Pitch Useful During an Interview?

First impressions are everything in a job interview. Many employers know in the first minute or two whether they intend to hire a candidate. A perfectly crafted elevator pitch that answers who you are, what you have to offer the company, and what makes you stand apart from other candidates will go a long way in helping you to receive a job offer.

The Steps to Creating an Effective Elevator Pitch

Are you ready to create your own elevator pitch but not sure where to start? Follow these five steps to create an elevator pitch that is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Define Your Objective

Identify the goal of your elevator pitch. What position are you interviewing for? What do you want the company to know about your qualifications right from the start?

Explain What You Bring to the Table

Concisely describe what you bring to the table and why you are an asset to the company. Exercise caution to ensure you appropriately express your qualifications without coming across as arrogant.

Convey What Makes You Unique

Mention what makes you unique to stand out from other candidates who have applied for the same position.

End the Pitch by Engaging the Hiring Manager

Engage with the hiring manager at the end of your elevator pitch. For example, “I would like to know more about x, y and z at your company.” This keeps the interview flowing smoothly and naturally.

Practice Makes Perfect

The more you practice your elevator the pitch, the more comfortable you will be when it comes time to deliver it and the more natural it will sound. Saying it out loud will also help you fine-tune the pitch, so it sounds perfect and falls within the recommended time frame.

We Are A Premier Staffing Firm Dedicated to Helping You Have Successful Interviews

As one of the leading staffing agency in Texas, Resource Staffing will help match your goals, skills and qualifications and help you prepare for the interview process. Contact us today to get started on the path to finding your dream job!