Staying educated in your industry is important for the advancement of your career, building your credibility, and showing clients the future and value of your industry. How do you go about staying up to date on the latest and greatest in your industry? Let’s take a look!
Read! Read! Read!
One of the best ways to stay up to date on your industry is to read. Opportunities include:
- Online articles or published studies
- Subscriptions to industry magazines
- Books
On-line sources might even be advantageous for keeping up with the latest developments depending on the industry you work in. The type of sources you choose to subscribe to will be heavily determined by the methods in which your field releases updates.
Attend Industry Functions
This is your chance to talk to others who are industry leaders or work in the field in a different capacity than you do. Just as you may have information and insights they’ve yet to hear about, they will in turn be able to provide information that you’ve yet to hear.
Participate in Workshops
Workshops are designed to teach the latest and greatest protocols and methods. Experts demonstrate how a technology and/or method works, normally allowing the attendees to try it for themselves, and are available to answer any questions you might have.
Spend Time in a Different Department
Talk with your boss about your ambitions for staying current in the industry in order to benefit the company. Ask if you can spend time in a different department in order to increase your skill set and gain a better understanding of the industry as a whole. Employers appreciate staff that are passionate about their career field.
Listen to Podcasts
Podcasts are becoming more and more popular. They tend to be informative and entertaining while keeping their listeners up to date on the latest within the industry. The second great thing about podcasts is that you can listen to them almost anywhere including on the way to and from work.
Extra Tip!
If you’re looking for your next career move, let Resource Staffing be your staffing partner. As one of the leading staffing firms in Texas, we are experts at matching candidates with the perfect company. Contact us today and speak with one of our specialists about your career goals and what you are looking for in your next job!