While you are an employee of Resource Staffing, follow the guidelines in the Employee Handbook. You can access the handbook by logging accessing our website and clicking “Employee Portal”.
Follow the Webtime procedures in order to submit your weekly hours. ALL hours must be submitted no later than noon on Monday for the previous week.
Should you have questions, concerns, or disputes regarding your hourly pay rate, hours, job responsibilities, or other issues relating to your assignment, contact your Recruiter at Resource Staffing, not the customer.
Be professional at all times.
Be on time or early each day.
Limit cell phone use. Appropriate times are break or lunch periods.
Dress appropriately each day of each assignment. Your Recruiter will talk with you about the workplace culture and dress code.
If you are not able to report to work for any reason, contact your branch immediately. If you are ever running 15 minutes late for your assignment, contact the branch office.
While on assignment, telephone, internet, and email systems are to be used only for conducting company business.
Do not be afraid to ask questions on the job about the tasks you are performing. If you are unsure of something, check with your onsite supervisor.
Do not approach the customer’s organization about full-time employment. If you have an interest in a position, talk with your Recruiter.
Call us if the customer offers you a full time/regular employment. Your Recruiter will handle the paperwork for you.
Call us if you are requested to stay longer than the original request.
Call us as soon as you are aware your assignment is ending.
Call us to report any changes of name, address, or telephone number.
Call us if you have a referral. We will be happy to give you information about our referral program.