The 8 Mistakes You Might Not Realize You’re Making When Searching and Applying for Jobs

Searching and applying for new jobs is competitive. You never know who you are going up against and what their qualifications might be. One little mistake can make the problem is you may be making critical mistakes without even realizing it!

8 Mistakes You are Making…and How to Correct Them

1.  Applying to Multiple Positions at the Same Company

Employers interpret this as an act of desperation and do not believe you are interested in any one position, but instead applying for anything and everything out there.

Correct Way: Limit yourself to applying for only one position with a company.

2.  Submitting Canned Resumes and Cover Letters

Not only do generic application materials show a lack of effort, but because they are so general, they often miss the mark on what the job description is asking the qualified candidate.

Correct Way: For every position that you apply for, tailor your resume to that assignment or job. Place the company’s name in your cover letter for personalization, highlight the specific qualifications and skill set that matches the position.

3.  An Overload of Information on Your Resume and Cover Letter

Listing every single job you’ve had, right down to irrelevant experiences and high school jobs, is too much unnecessary information.

Correct Way: Only list experience that is relevant to the position you are applying for.

4.  Failure to Proofread

Sending in resumes and cover letters with typos is unattractive to employers and shows a lack of effort.

Correct Way: Proofread application materials multiple times.

5.  Lacking Knowledge of the Company

Interviewers will most likely ask what you know about the company. A blank stare is not impressive and will not get you far.

Correct Way: Learn the names and positions of the prominent staff and the company’s most important achievements.

6.  Inappropriate Attire

Showing up to the interview dressed down in jeans and a t-shirt is unprofessional and will likely ensure you do not get a call-back.

Correct Way: Dress in attire that is one step above what you would wear to work everyday if hired.

7.  Lack of Questions for the Interviewer

Many employers will not hire candidates who cannot think of a single question to ask about the position.

Correct Way: Before the interview, write down at least two or three questions to ask about the position and the company.

8.  Failure to Follow-Up

If you’re the only candidate who doesn’t follow up following the interview, it says to the employer that you aren’t as interested in the position as the other interviewees.

Correct Way: After your interview, the follow-up to thank the hiring manager or recruiter for their time and once again express your interest in working for their company.

Eliminate Job Search Mistakes

Using the services of an experienced staffing firm, such as Resource Staffing, will help you reduce critical job search mistakes. Contact us today to get started!


Why You Should Take the Job Interview, Even When You Do Not Want the Job

Hunting for a new job can be time-consuming and stressful, especially if you are currently out of work. Desperation during a job search can cause you to apply for jobs that you do not necessarily want, but what do you do when you are asked to come in for an interview for a position that you do not necessarily want?

Here are the Reasons You Should Take the Assignment or Job Interview with an Open Mind

Practice! Practice! Practice!

As with everything, nailing an interview takes practice. Take the interview as an opportunity to practice and hone your interviewing skills. This will help you when it comes time to nail your dream job interview! Not to mention, you never know what surprises may come from interviewing for a position you aren’t particularly fond of.

Hidden Opportunities

The assignment or job interview may confirm your suspicions about not wanting the assignment or position, however, the recruiter or hiring manager may very well have another position available that is a better fit for you. A company that is impressed with your skills may very well make a place for you on their team. You wouldn’t be the first person that has walked into an interview for one assignment or position and received another offer.


Networking is one of the most important things you can do to help your job search and your career. Even if you do not take the position, the hiring manager may be able to put you in touch with companies and professionals in the industry who have positions that more suitable for you.

Express an Interest in Future Positions

You may have a sincere desire to work with the company, just not in the particular role you applied for. Taking the interview allows you to tastefully decline the position offered, yet express interest in future roles with that company.

You May Actually Like the Position

You may find that the written job description does not measure up to your skills and to what you are pursuing. Once you get into the interview, the job may surprisingly be a great fit for you and one you are excited about.

Find and Apply for Your Dream Job or Assignment

Resource Staffing, one of the leading staffing firms in Texas, will present you with job opportunities that not only match your skill set but align with your career goals. Submit your resume today and apply for the jobs you want.